Are you covered by insurance?

My services are covered by some insurance companies and EAP programs.

How long is a session?

Sessions are generally 50 minutes in length. If we are in the midst of a crucial discussion, we will go longer as I schedule a half-hour buffer between clients.

Where are sessions held?

Sessions are held in a beautiful office in my century heritage home.

Do you take credit cards?

No. Services are by cash or cheque payable at the end of each session.

Do you do phone counselling or counselling by email?

No. I believe that to be successful at counselling a session should be in person so we can truly establish a therapeutic relationship. I want to be able to see the truth not just hear or read it.

Have you ever fired a client?

Yes. Unless you are committed to work for change I will inform you that you are wasting both our times and your money and I will end the relationship.

Are your services confidential?

Yes. All services are completely confidential.